The Emotion Code

Chakra Balancing

Chakra, or “wheel” in Old Sanskrit, refers to the energy life force that moves inside the human body. When balanced, the body’s seven main chakras send optimal energy levels to every connected aspect of the mind, body, and spirit.

It’s believed that unbalanced chakras — or energy that’s spinning too quickly or slowly — may lead to negative effects on the body’s health. Beginning with the Root chakra, below the genitals, and ending with the Crown chakra, above the crown of the head, the chakra chart sheds light on the importance of maintaining balance within each of the seven chakras.

Chakras Play A Crucial Role In Energy Work The body’s seven main chakras are each associated with a different set of organs and systems within the body.

Because the entire concept of energy healing focuses on maintaining balance and health between the mind, body, and spirit, ensuring all seven chakras are balanced is the key. It’s important to note, too, that each chakra corresponds with a different area of the body that uses a substantial amount of energy. The Heart chakra, for example, contains enough electromagnetic energy that it can be measured from several feet away. However, if the Heart chakra is closed or underactive, the flow of energy through the chakra is hindered, which can have a domino effect on the other energy centers of your body.

Chakras represent various aspects of consciousness along with parts of the physical body, so maintaining well-balanced chakras may be essential when it comes to promoting a healthy mind and spirit — both key aspects of energy healing. Because of this interconnectedness, it’s not uncommon for tension in a particular part of consciousness to ultimately result in physical symptoms.

If you experience a bad relationship breakup, for example, you might feel it in your Heart chakra and could experience tension in the nerves associated with your heart. Over time, that held tension could intensify and manifest itself in outward physical symptoms that chakra healing and chakra balancing could resolve.

By regularly practicing energy healing techniques like chakra healing, you can address and may potentially even reverse the symptoms of physical disease and illness. Trapped Emotions or Emotional Baggage Can Cause Chakra Imbalance In the holistic community, the phrase “Trapped Emotions” is commonly used to describe any unconscious emotional energies which exist because of intense or traumatic emotional events that have not been fully processed and released from the body or mind.

When emotional energy like this becomes trapped, various organs or glands in the body could possibly become victims. Because each of the seven chakras correlates with an organ in the body, when an emotion becomes trapped in a body organ, it could interfere with the flow of energy through the chakra.

The trapped energy of the Trapped Emotions may begin to cause disruption, physical discomfort, uneasiness, drastic emotional changes, and sadness. Thankfully, through energy healing tools & techniques like muscle testing and chakra balancing, these emotions can be identified, processed, and extinguished from the body, restoring a healthy, balanced chakra system.

Are Emotions From the Past Still Holding You Back?

Are you struggling under the weight of something you can’t quite define?

Do you feel your present is being held hostage by your past?

It may not be your imagination. The premise of the Emotion Code is that the energy of past emotions can literally become trapped in your body, affecting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.

These Trapped Emotions could be keeping you in patterns of discomfort, sorrow, failure, and heartbreak.

Human Energy Field

The Human Energy Field Knowledge of the human energy field goes back thousands of years and through many cultures.

The Emotion Code provides a framework for these ancient teachings by providing an understanding of how trapped emotional energies can cause blockages or imbalances in your personal energy field.

With the Emotion Code, we believe it’s possible to permanently remove these negative energies.

Magnetic Energy Work

Magnets are used to release Trapped Emotions that could be contributing to ailments. These are just one of many healing energy tools used in this work. Magnets may also increase blood flow, improve flexibility, build muscle strength, and relax and lengthen the body’s muscles and soft tissues.

Magnetic healing is typically implemented after identifying Trapped Emotions, and then moving a magnet over the Governing Meridian on the client’s body three times. When combined with the balancing intentions of the energy healing practitioner, this increases magnetic energy movement in the body and can help to release and transform the trapped emotional energy.

Because the body functions on principles of bio magnetic energy, muscle testing can be used as a means of connecting with the subconscious mind to identify the energies and emotions that may govern afflictions in the body, mind, and spirit.

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Monday, Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Friday-Sunday: Closed

The Body Project

2255 Waters Drive

Mendota Heights 55120

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